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TRANSLATE_by Aesop shoes
TRANSLATE_by Aesop shoes
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7 日以上
金屬雙釦涼鞋|米色 - 涼鞋 - 真皮 卡其色


注意: 若有任何尺寸方面的不確定的問題請於下單前主動詢問 否則出貨皆以訂單尺寸為主 謝謝 English Below -材質- 鞋面:牛皮 鞋底:EVA+TPR(熱塑性橡膠) -尺寸規格對照- https://c2.staticflickr.com/8/7630/27140045992_1268ceda2f_o.png https://c2.staticflickr.com/8/7029/27168039341_5d9b046736_o.png *尺寸挑選會因楦頭不同、腳板寬度、腳型差異而有所不同 實際腳長僅供尺寸選擇參考 *若不了解自己適合什麼尺寸的朋友們,可以來信提問,我們將揭誠為您服務。 購買需知: 1.此款採用牛皮,會有牛隻自然的成長胎紋。 2.顏色略有偏差,以實品顏色為主。 如何購買: 1.選購商品規格後,我們會確認是否有現貨,有現貨,我們將在1-2天內為您出貨,若遇假日除外 若無現貨,會開始進行訂製的程序,工作天約20-30不等(不含假日),煩請您耐心等候。 2.訂製鞋款需先付清款項,確認尺寸,若有疑問可來信詢問,並附上您的腳長、寬,確認尺寸進入訂製程序,製作完成後,若非Aesopshoes本身疏失(顏色、尺寸做錯、商品嚴重瑕疵),恕不退換。 【欲更換商品顏色或尺寸】 Aesop出貨作業是以訂單系統所顯示的資料進行出貨作業, 若因個人因素欲換貨,請閱讀以下注意事項: 1. 收到商品檢查試穿後,若因個人因素欲換尺寸或鞋款,請先填寫Aesop亞士多手工女鞋onlin shop退貨表單,完成後客服將會盡快地與您聯繫,做商品的退換確認,此項目工作天需要3 ~5天,請耐心等候。 2. 因個人因素欲更換商品之退貨運費,由買家負擔,便利超商交便貨店到店運費新台幣60元 ; 宅配以貨運公司實收金額為準 ; 港澳地區由順豐快遞公司的實收金額為準 申請退貨前我要注意什麼? 1. 所有售後服務規定都需在入收到商品的七日內完成,所以務必請您收到商品後要馬上檢查唷 2. 如需要售後服務而欲自行寄回商品,請您一定要先與Aesop客服聯絡,Aesop一定會竭盡地為您服務,請勿在未告知的狀況下就逕自將商品寄回,Aesop將無法受理唷 3. 請將欲退貨的商品出貨明細,隨退貨商品一併寄回 4. 若欲退換貨,商品請保持無任何氣味與污漬沾染並且完整包裝, Aesop亞士多手工女鞋收到商品後若該退貨商品無法通過檢查(不符合以上售後服務範圍內之情形),Aesop將無法受理您的 5. 若欲寄回商品,鞋盒、保固卡與出貨明細請一併寄回 產地/製造方式 產地台灣/手工製作 ------------------------------------------------------------------- English Version -Materials- Vamp: Leather Sole :EVA+TPR Things you should know BEFORE buying For the size changes by different soles, and different types of feet. The size table is provided below for your reference of size selection. If you are not quite sure about which size that you should take, Do Not hesitate to write us any questions. We be always gladly to answer you as soon as possible. 1. All of our handmade collection are made by leather. By the time that cows grow up, some scars naturally remain on leather. 2. Sometimes the colors will be different depends on what kind of device you use. We make the difference as little as possible. How to Buy Before you select the size, we suggest you to read our size reference table. Furthermore, if you are still quite not sure about the size, write us! Do not hesitate. We offer you our “size selection ”experience. ***The ordering be completed after payment be confirmed. Shipping : We will dispatch your order within 1-3 days. please wait 3-10 days to receive your order, it depends the region and country you locate as well. For all of our collection are handmade products, sometime you have to wait for about 20 to 30 days for manufacture working days, yet, it’s worthy, you have my words. Refunds and Exchange The most important thing that we care about is quality and also how the shoes make you feel.We gladly accept all the returns and exchanges under the following TERMS & CONDITIONS: 1. We have a 7-day exchanged policy. The period starts from the date you receive the product you ordered. After the period, we no longer allow exchanges or returns. 2. For refunds, we refunds you the full purchase price as soon as we receive shoes back. In Pinkoi system, please apply the refunds by filling the apply form before. You find it on the page. 3. Shoes must be returned in unworn/original condition. When trying shoes on, please walk only on carpeted surfaces to avoid marks & scuff on soles. 4. Please notify us before sending shoes back. 5. Please make sure the refunds products or exchange products are sent with invoice, warranty card and a completed wrapped. When you are not sure about if you can make the exchanging in “the condition” you encounter, please write us without hesitation. We gladly find the solution with you. You can contact us at any time through message system. Please kindly note that we may have time differences, so we usually respond to your questions within 12 hours.


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