Kino Cordless LED Lamp由法國設計師Sammy Rio設計,設計靈感來自於一次拜訪台灣南投當地竹編手工藝師傅,對如何將竹子運用在當代設計產生了濃厚的興趣。Kino的外型是以金屬管與天然竹子手工編織的竹籃燈罩組成,金屬管外觀漆綠色有仿似綠竹的用意,竹編燈罩是用對角編織籃的手法呈現,冷暖工藝對比交織結合而成有溫度的Kino。
當這盞燈打開時,燈罩和綠色底座營造出有趣的色彩和燈光效果。您可以使用底座側面的觸摸調光器選擇三段式照明級別。 Kino奇諾燈(無線)有三階段式的燈光可供選用,採用USB線充電,充電4小時可提供長達9小時的照明(時間長度依實際使用情況可能有不同)。
A delightful contrast of materials, the Kino Portable Lamp consists of a green metal tube with a natural bamboo shade that’s handmade with a diagonal basket weave. The Kino is designed by Sammy Rio, whose designs strike a balance between craft and modern production. He became fascinated with the use of bamboo in contemporary designs while visiting a designer in Taiwan.
When this lamp is turned on, the shade and green base create interesting color and light play. You can choose your level of mood lighting with the three-step touch dimmer on the side of the base. The Kino Portable Lamp charges via USB cord with magnetic connector (included) for up to nine hours of light per four-hour charge.
設計國別 法國
產地 中國
材質 竹子、金屬
尺寸 長18 x 寬18 X 高23.1 cm
顏色 綠色
電子資訊 符合美加ETL安全規範,電壓適用110-120V,三階段觸摸式開關,LED燈色溫2700K,