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H Stuff Room
H Stuff Room
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1~3 日
【莎士比亞先生搞笑畫作組】紙膠帶 - 紙膠帶 - 紙 白色


一次收入10款莎士比亞搞笑畫作的紙膠帶開賣囉!! 材質:和紙膠帶(低黏性,免緊張貼歪歪) 尺寸:15mmX10米,厚度75±5(um) 產品規格:1入 莎士比亞狂想小故事: 【莎士比亞先生爆肝中】 因為責任編輯的「連夜陪伴」, 結果一口氣把亨利四世到八世都寫完, 卻也因此而爆肝的莎士比亞先生。 【The Exhausted Sir Shakespeare】 Sir Shakespeare was exhausted after writing his play Henry IV through Henry VIII all at once at the supervision of the chief editor. 【莎士比亞先生色瞇瞇】 心裡一邊想著如果原本的責任編輯先生能一直生病, 然後讓最近來代班的編輯小姐A成為自己的責任編輯, 「一定就可以寫出很多情詩的說~」 而不自覺露出色瞇瞇表情的莎士比亞先生。 【Sir Shakespeare and his lusty smile】 Sir Shakespeare thought that his chief editor continue to be sick so the new female editor can be his chief editor, then, he must be able to write many love poems. As his thought flew, he smiled cunningly. 【莎士比亞先生X楳圖一雄先生】 在寫作悲劇的時光中, 曾經數度陷入楳圖一雄世界的恐怖情緒之中, 因此出現人格分裂般情緒的類楳圖一雄風格的莎士比亞先生。 什麼?這兩個人存在的時空有問題?哎呀,莎士比亞有些事情已經不可考了啦~ 【Sir William Shakespeare vs Umezu Kazuo】 While Sir Shakespeare was writing, he lost himself inside the scary Umezu Kazuo World, therefore he got special disease similar to the multiple personality disorder What? They don’t exist at the same era? Well, lots of things about Shakespeare was untraceable. 【深受打擊的莎士比亞先生】 就要劇本要完稿前, 卻收到編輯說: 「為了避免老師再度拖稿, 下一部作品也請在這個禮拜交出來。」 因此失去假期心境而深受打擊的莎士比亞先生。 【Devastated Sir Shakespeare】 Sir Shakespeare was devastated when he is told by the editor that: “Just in case you delay the next play again, please finish the next play and hand it in at the same time this week.” 【充滿憂鬱的莎士比亞先生】 責任編輯出現在自己家門口對自己說: 「誰跟你說我生病了?啊你的劇本咧?」 因此而陰鬱的莎士比亞先生。 【The Moody Shakespeare】 Sir Shakespeare became moody when the Chief editor appears in front of his door and said, “Who told you I am ill? Where is your script?” 【充滿無奈的莎士比亞先生】 為了責任編輯說要搞個新企劃, 因此必須在一個月內寫出四大喜劇的劇本, 結果數度寫到已經對笑點無感, 最後導致─ 眼神死 ─ 的莎士比亞先生。 【The Helpless Shakespeare】 The Chief Editor wanted a new proposal and therefore Sir Shakespeare must complete the Four Tragedies, and so he has completely ran out of funny points and turn into this kind of facial expression. 【莎士比亞先生賭氣中】 明明就說好這次劇本如果準時交稿就要好好喝一杯, 結果準時交稿後編輯卻只帶了一手啤酒到自己家中來喝一杯。 而且連下酒菜都沒有。 因此而賭氣的莎士比亞先生。 【Frustrated Shakespeare】 Sir Shakespeare feels frustrated because the Chief Editor said that when the script is handed it, they would go out to have a drink. But when Shakespeare handed in the script, the Chief Editor only brought half a dozen of beer. 【莎士比亞先生冷汗直冒】 之前跟編輯說自己劇本已經寫完四分之三, 結果就聽見編輯說已經在來的路上, 但其實劇本根本一片空白。 這時候就是這麼慌張的莎士比亞先生!! 【Cold Sweating of Sir Shakespeare】 Sir Shakespeare told the editor that he has first 3/4 of the script, but actually he hasn’t done any of it. However, the editor said that he is on his way to Shakespeare’s house. Therefore, Sir Shakespeare feels really helpless. 【吐血的莎士比亞先生】 由於書寫劇本量過於巨大, 因此即便責任編輯沒有來催稿, 但是家裡的電話聲響起的時候, 都會因此驚恐而吐血的莎士比亞先生。 【The Blood-Vomiting Shakespeare】 Sir William Shakespeare is so overstressed from the writing workload. Therefore even when the Editor didn’t come to hurry him, he would still be shocked by the phone ring and so he vomited bloods. 【變成小丑的莎士比亞先生】 面對責任編輯因為拿不到稿件而衝著自己怒吼的時候, 莎士比亞先生表示自己通常都會到廁所裡面兩分鐘冷靜一下。 不過責任編輯卻表示, 莎士比亞的確通常會去廁所兩分鐘, 但他曾經三度頂著小丑妝從廁所出來, 然後模仿蝙蝠俠裡的小丑對說: 「Why~so~serious?」 編輯表示那個舉動曾經有兩度讓他當場氣到中風。 莎士比亞先生則是聽著責任編輯一邊說自己一邊笑, 最後還很開心的畫上了傳說中的小丑妝讓雜誌取得了這張難得的照片。 【The Clown-Faced Shakespeare】 When the Chief Editor screamed at his face angrily because of the postponing of the script, Sir Shakespeare often go to the men’s room to calm down. However, the Chief Editor told the press that he often comes out with a clown-face and pretending to be the clown in the Batman and said, “Why so serious?” This happened twice which made the Chief Editor almost got shocked and passed away. As the Chief Editor was talking, Sir Shakespeare went into the men’s room and put on the clown-face for the press to take this picture. 畫作:H Stuff Room出品,H之手


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